School of Engineering and Technology, (SET)

The primary objective of this course is to prepare the student for their oral proposal defense and research at AIT in nanotechnology and to develop presentation skills.  Weekly review of current papers with discussion engages students in compelling fields of potential research. Evaluation of research papers is also presented and a potential research project is presented.  

    Students are prepared for their research before finishing coursework
     Students are trained to give presentations that will aid them in later occupations
     Students are trained to critically evaluate research papers
     Students understand the components of a good paper
     Students gain experience in group participation of paper evaluation
     Students interact with numerous faculties
     Students acquire ability to critically analyze other student presentations


I.       Literature
1.   Critical evaluation of scientific papers
2.   Integrating article themes
3.   Correlation Drilling
4.   Gleaning Information

II.      Journal Assignments
1.   The Wide Umbrella
2.   Cross Fertilization
3.   Reporting the Abstract and Conclusion
4.   Evaluation of Papers
III.    Discussion Roundtables
1.   Asking Questions
2.   Contributing
3.   Leading
4.   Clear Thinking

IV.    Potential Research Track
1.   Focusing on One Track
2.   Which Journals?
3.   Selecting the One

V.     Presentation Basics
1.   The Title Page and Selection of One Theme
2.   The Summary Page
3.   Formatting
4.   Preparing the Audience
5.   Section Summaries
6.   Presentation Principles
7.   The Conclusion

VI.    Student Presentations


1.      A textbook is not required
1.      Book references not required
1.      ScienceDirect resources for journals to be determined per student
2.      Springer database to be determined per student be determined from assigned journals in class

1.      Nanotechnology Resource & Study Center (NRSC)
2.      Guest seminars
      Class meets once per week for one or more hours in the late afternoon
      Students are required to search assigned journal articles outside of class for 1-2 hours per week
      Students conduct literature searches and prepare an overview of a particular field of nanotechnology in the form of a report for 5 hours of time outside the classroom
      Students spend about 5 hours on preparing a presentation 
40%   Class participation in weekly student paper review presentations
20%   Research overview report
40%   Research overview presentation

The “A” student shows enthusiasm and interest in class discussions and comments on other student paper reviews and presentations. Most importantly, the student should develop excellent report writing skills and presentation skills on a focused field of research.