School of Engineering and Technology, (SET)
Engineering components for real-world applications are increasingly entering the nanoscale. Independently of their intended use, the mechanical properties of these systems are of great importance both in terms of performance and durability. Classical Solid Mechanics concepts will be reviewed. Novel theoretical and practical tools designed specifically for mechanics at the nanoscale will be introduced. Application-oriented, as well as fundamental scientific aspects, will be discussed through the lens of specific low-dimensional nanostructures. 
   Students gain the necessary background knowledge needed to pursue studies in Nanomechanics
   Students learn the distinction between ‘macro-scale’ Mechanics and Nanomechanics
   Students gain knowledge about up-to-date developments and trends in Nanomechanics research
   Students are prepared to apply a wide variety of concepts and techniques to solve Nanomechanicsproblems

Basics of Classical Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Solid-State Physics; Bachelor’s, Master’s degree in electronics, electrical, materials, environmental engineering or science fields like physics, chemistry or material  science. 

I.                Introduction
1.      History and significance of Nanomechanics and nanotribology
2.      Nanomechanics: a fundamentally interdisciplinary science

II.             Continuum Mechanics - Solid Mechanics
1.      Elasticity
2.      Plasticity and inelastic deformation
3.      Dislocation Theory
4.      Other preliminary notions
5.      Limitation of continuum mechanics
6.      The micromechanical approach

III.          Atomic Structure of Materials and Nanostructures
1.      The atomic chain (1D)
2.      Mechanics of crystal lattice (2D and 3D)
3.      Phonons
4.      Definition of stress and strain at the atomic scale

IV.          Computational Investigation Techniques or Nanomechanics
1.      Classical Molecular Dynamics
2.      Lattice Mechanics
3.      Multiscale Modeling for Nanomechanics

V.             Characterization Techniques for Nanomechanics
1.      Depth-sensing nanoindentation - Oliver-Pharrmethod
2.      Nanoscratch technique for adhesion measurement and nanoscratch/nanowear resistance
3.      Nanoidentation for adhesion strength
4.      Nanoidentation for nanofracture toughness
5.      Other mechanical testing methods
VI.          Nanomechanical properties of Low-Dimensional nanostructures and size-scale effects
1.      Gold atomic chain
2.      Carbon Nanotubes, CNT networks and nanowires
3.      Nanorods
4.      Nanobeams for molecular detection
5.      Nanoparticles - Quantum Dots
6.      Elastoplastic deformation and fracture Nanomechanics of thin films
7.      Graphene and surface acoustic wave devices
8.      Nanostructured materials for strength – Nanocomposites
9.      Mechanics of nanoporous metals
10. Nanoresonators, nanosprings
11. Molecular motors
12. Phononic nanomaterials
13. Hall-Petch Strengthening
14. Superplasticity, Superelasticity and other types of nanoscale mechanical properties

VII.       Nanotribology
1.      Atomic scale friction phenomena
2.      Nanoscale wear
3.      Self-assembled monolayers for nanotribology
4.      Nanotribology of ultrathin and hard amorphous carbon films

VIII.    Industrial Applications
1.      Nanotribology and Nanomechanics of MEMS/NEMS and BioMEMS/BioNEMS materials and devices


1.      B. Bhushan, Nanotribology and Nanomechanics, An Introduction, 4th ed., Wiley, 2017
2.      T. Kitamura, Fracture Nanomechanics, 2nd ed., CRC Press 2012
3.      C.R. Weinberger, Multiscale Materials Modeling for Nanomechanics, Springer, 2016
4.      N. Silvestre, Advanced Computational Nanomechanics, Wiley, 2016
1.     T.-J. Chuang, Nanomechanics of Materials and Structures, Springer 2006
2.     S. Li, Introduction to Micromechanics and Nanomechanics, World Scientific, 2007
1.     Science
2.     Nature Nanotechnology
3.     Nano Letters, ACS Publications

1.     Nanotechnology Resource & Study Center (NRSC)
2.     Internet resources, MOODLE 
       This is a lecture intensive course and will occupy 2 hours per week
       Students spend a minimum of 2-4 hours outside the class room to study and to complete assignments 
20% Assignments
30% Mid-term examination
50% Final examination
(All exams will be closed book type)

The “A” student is required to perform exceptionally on exams and assignments. In addition, the “A” student contributes to class question/answer sessions that are provided for every lecture. The “A” has a solid fundamental and practical understanding of the specific mechanical concepts unique to the nanoscale.