School of Engineering and Technology, (SET)

The objective of this course is to provide students an overall understanding of cloud computing concepts. It provides a detailed overview of cloud computing concepts, cloud computing core services, serverless, security, design architecture, support and pricing. In addition, this course lets students learn the development of applications on cloud computing for current and emerging technologies such as mobile applications, Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence. Amazon Web Service (AWS) will be used as a basis for teaching cloud computing techniques and design patterns related to the development of applications on cloud systems. Students are expected to work on a project that produces a professional-quality cloud computing applications with applications on IoT and other cutting-edge technologies. Course work will include project conception, design, implementation, and pilot testing of cloud computing software applications. After all, students will work at all stages of the software development life-cycle from inception through to implementation and testing.

The students on the completion of this course would be able to:

ÏExplain and demonstrate the cloud computing concepts and its infrastructure

ÏExplain cloud economics, pricing model and describe the AWS cloud value proposition, the core AWS services available in the cloud, characteristic of deployment/operation  and review several use cases to see these services in action

ÏExplain security in the cloud and the security responsibilities related to different cloud elements

ÏDescribe and apply basic architectural principles utilized for constructing cloud solutions, serverless architecture to an IoT system

ÏDesign and apply cloud computing architecture to an IoT system

ÏRecommend billing and support services available for AWS cloud services


I Introduction

1. Cloud concepts overview including Iaas, Paas, SaaS, Benefits of cloud, Cloud deployment, current states of cloud

2. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

II Cloud computing infrastructure

1. Cloud computing infrastructure, Total Cost of Ownership, Availability zone,  Region

2. Virtualization

III Compute Service

1. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (AWS EC2)

2. Serverless architecture

IV. Storage Service

1. Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

2. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

3. Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)

V. Virtual Network

1. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)

2. Public and private subnets

VI.Database services

1. Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)

2. Amazon DynamoDB


1. AWS Elastic Load Balancing

VIII. Cloud security

1. Cloud Security-Shared responsibility model

2. Compliance

3. Cloud Trail

4. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Getting start with EC2

  • AWS Infrastructure, AWS EC2 provision, and AWS lambda
  • EBS, EFS, S3, and Amazon VPC
  • AWS Database services, AWS ELB, Cloudwatch, and Auto-scaling
  • IAM, Security Groups
  • Well-architect design principles

No designated textbook, but class notes and handouts will be provided.

Lectures: 30 hours

Laboratory sessions: 45 hours

Self-study is 135 hours

Lectures, individual assignments, labs and a project

The final grade will be computed according to the following weight distribution:

  • Midsem: 25%
  • Assignments, Quiz and Labs: 30%
  • Project: 10%
  • Final: 35%

 Close-book examination is normally used in both midterm exam and final exam

An “A” would be awarded if a student can demonstrate clear understanding of the knowledge learned in class as well as from the assignments.

A “B” would be awarded if a student can understand the basic principles of the knowledge learned in class, from the assignments.

A “C” would be given if a student can understand partially the basic principles of the knowledge learned in class, from the assignments.

A “D” would be given if a student shows lack of understanding of the knowledge learned in class, from the assignments.

A Dr. Chantri Polprasert