School of Engineering and Technology, (SET)

Traffic Engineering is one of the core subjects in transportation engineering. The course provides basic knowledge derived from various traffic engineering subjects. It will equip students with the knowledge of traffic characteristics, traffic operations, analysis, procedures, and design considerations for traffic engineering problems.

Human, vehicular and traffic characteristics, traffic studies and methods of analysis and evaluation, application of traffic control devices, highway capacity analysis.


I.    Human Vehicular and Traffic Characteristics
        1.  Driver characteristics

PIEV time
Visual factors

2.      Pedestrian characteristics

  Walking speed
  Pedestrian flow rates

3.      Vehicle characteristics

   Operational elements

II.         Traffic Studies
1.      Volume studies

Composition of traffic   
Measurement of traffic volume

2.      Speed studies

 Measurement of speeds    
Speed zoning and restrictions

3.      Travel time and delay studies

 Types of delay      
Usage of delay data

4.      Parking studies

Types of parking facilities     
Design of car parks

5.      Accidents

   Accident patterns and characteristics
   Collision and condition diagrams

III.       Traffic Control Devices
1.      Types and functions of traffic control devices, traffic sign, marking
2.      Traffic signal: design of signal timing

IV.      Highway Capacity
1.      Determination of highway capacity
2.      Levels of service
Lecture notes provided by the instructor
Garber, N. J.and Hoel, L. A. (2001):
Traffic and Highway Engineering: Third Edition, University of Virginia.
Institute of Transportation Engineers, (1994):
Manual of Transportation Engineering Studies .
Institute of Transportation Engineers, (1993):
The Traffic Safety Toolbox: A Primer on Traffic Safety.
Institute of Transportation Engineers, Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook, Prentice-Hall Inc.
Ogden, K.W. and Taylor, S.Y., (1996):
Traffic Engineering and Management, Monash University
Mannering, F.L. and Kilareski, W. P., (1998):
Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis, Second Edition, John Wiley&Sons.
McShane, W.R., Roess, R.P. and Prassas, E.S., (1998):
Traffic Engineering, Second Edition, Prentice Hall
Highway Capacity Manual (2000):
Transportation Research Board, National Research council, Washington D.C.
Institute of Transportation Engineers, ITE Journal
Transportation Research Record, TRB
Mid-Semester Examination                    30%
Assignments                                             20%
Final Examination                                     50%
Close book exams