School of Engineering and Technology, (SET)

The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the basic principles and techniques of highway design. In addition, the course will teach the theory and criteria of geometric design of rural urban and rural roads, and the safety aspects.

Advanced concept of the design of urban and rural roads, design controls and criteria, highway alignment, cross section, intersection, interchange, and safety effectiveness of geometric design.


I.           Highway Functional Classification
1.          Movement Hierarchy 
2.          Functional Systems
3.          Access Control

II.        Vehicle Characteristics
1.          Design Vehicles
2.          Vehicle Dynamics

III.     Human Factors
1.          Guidance and Control
2.          Visual Perception
3.          Design Driver Concepts

IV.      Design Controls
1.          Stopping
2.          Cornering
3.          Lane Changing
4.          Passing
5.          Intersections 

V.         Design Objectives and Constraints
1.          Safety Relationships
2.          Capacity and Level of Service
3.          Design Volume
4.          Design Speed

VI.      Alignment Design
1.          Horizontal Alignment
2.          Vertical Alignment

VII.   Cross Section Design
1.          Lanes and Shoulders
2.          Roadside Features
3.          Traffic Barriers
4.          Medians

VIII.        Intersection Design
1.          Alignment and Profile
2.          Curvature
3.          Islands
4.          Turning Roadways
5.          Sight Distance
6.          Median Openings
7.          Auxiliary Lanes
8.          Pedestrians & Bicycles

IX.      Grade Separations and Interchanges
1.          Types of Interchanges
2.          Warrants for interchanges and grade separation
3.          Access Separations
4.          Grade Separation Structures
5.          Interchanges
6.          Ramps

X.         Safety Effectiveness of Highway Design
1.          Access control
2.          Alignment
3.          Cross sections
4.          Intersections
5.          Interchanges
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2004):
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Washington, D.C.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2002):
Roadside Design Guide, Washington, D.C.
Schoon, J.G. (1999):
Geometric Design Projects for Highways: An Introduction, Maryland: American Society of Civil Engineering.
Underwood, R.T. (1991):
The Geometric Design of Roads, The Macmillan Company of Australia Pty., Ltd.
Wright, P.H. (1996):
Highway Engineering, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Mid-Semester Examination                        30%
Assignments and Semester Projects      30%
Final Examination                                         40%
Close book exam
A Prof. Kunnawee Kanitpong